his is the first comprehensive review guide and test-preparation book for the PMP exam. Organized to thoroughly cover each competency area tested on the exam, it further explains how test questions are structured and offers numerous case studies and additional resources for study.
This dual-purpose guide is also highly useful as an on-the-job reference for working project managers. It reviews project management in the context of human resources, finance, and statistics, paying special attention to scheduling and cost control. Readers will learn proven methods for:
Defining the scope of a project
Estimating costs
Managing complex projects using Work Breakdown Structure techniques
Addressing risk management and quality control issues
Bidding out contracts
Communicating effectively with the project team, and much more.
Study guide for the Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification Exam, addressing a number of key issues. Covers defining the scope of a project, estimating costs, bidding out contracts, communicating effectively with the project team, and addressing risk management and quality control issues. Softcover. DLC: Industrial project management–Examinations, questions, etc.