The Definite Guide to Google Adword

"The Definitive Guide To Google AdWords" is an eBook by Google specialist Perry Marshall detailing how to effectively use Google Adwords. That is……… to dramatically reduce your cost per click, whilst significantly increasing your sale conversion rate.
his 167+ page eBook will take you by the hand and lead you step by step, using case studies and personal examples, to understanding and benefiting from the enormous power of Google Adwords. It's perfect for any Internet store owner looking to increase his/her traffic and sales the easy way - and instantly.

It's a very comprehensive package that includes more than I could possibly list here, but I will mention the highlights for me.

Perry talks at length about the influence Google has on the Internet marketplace and demonstrates how, through Google Adwords, the smallest of Internet players can take advantage using sophisticated techniques that he shares in the eBook.

He goes onto explain in detail how and why Google Adwords work the way they do - a section not to missed and that is critical to developing profitable ad campaigns.

The Guide goes on to detail:

* A Real-Life PPC Campaign
* Managing The Basics - Keyword Selection, Testing & Statistics
* Making Your Traffic Pay - Conversion cheat Sheet, Tracking Where Sales Come From & Value per Visitor
* Tools, Tips & Tricks - Account Management Tool, Cool Tips & TIps For New Keywords, Do Less & Earn More
* Your Questions Answered - How To Beat The Competition, Real Q & A
* ….and much more

The management of an ad campaign can be difficult. But Perry leads you by the hand and shows you how to avoid the costly mistakes - and Google Adwords do have a few potholes for the unwary.
I spend upwards of $1,000 a day with Google Adwords - so I know a fair bit about Adwords. But I still learnt a lot from this eBook.

Along with the comprehensive examples given, including screen shots, Perry also provides his formulas for calculating returns, profitability forecasts and much more. I spend upwards of $1,000 a day with Google Adwords and the information in this eBook has seen our cost per click drop dramatically and our profitability rise enormously.

This is, in my view, the best guide to Google Adwords available. With all the best tips and tricks to get the most from your advertising dollar, it is an essential guide for the Internet professional (and perfect for learners looking to for the right information at the right price).

I always like to provide the downside when I review products, but with "The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords" there is very little. Quality information regularly updated (he emails updates as he develops them) is what it's all about and Perry delivers.
Learn AdWords Within Days The Easy Way

I'm more than happy to give "The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords" my unqualified support as an eBook that can show you exactly what you need to know to develop hugely successful online advertising campaigns.

Google AdWords advertising can be an avenue to huge sales - this eBook shows you how to tap into those sales the quickest, easiest and fastest way possible.

There are different price points for various presentations of the information (eBook, EBook & Audio, Hard copy with Teleconference coaching) and the products come with a 100% guarantee.