Getting Rich Your Own Way: Achieve All Your Financial Goals Faster Than You

Read Brian2s powerful book and save yourself 10 years of hard work. Let him show you shortcuts to success.Showing you the fastest ways to get rich.” -Robert Allen bestselling author, Multiple Streams of Income “Millions of people start with nothing and become wealthy as the result of doing certain things in a certain way, over and over again. This book by Brian Tracy shows you how you can achieve all your financial goals, starting from wherever you are today.” -Jack Canfield coauthor, Chicken Soup for the Soul(r) series and The Success Principles “This is the only book you need to read to become wealthy! It is loaded with practical ideas and strategies to propel you onwards and upwards.” -Nido Qubein Chairman, Great Harvest Bread Company, and founder, National Speakers Association Foundation “Another great book from Brian Tracy. Tangible, practical ideas that will make you money and make you rich!” -Bill Bachrach President, Bachrach & Associates, Inc. “Brian Tracy has put together a masterpiece of common sense for getting rich. If you wish a different life, commit now to different actions-read this book!” -H. J. (Jim) Graham President and CEO, Cyber Broadcast One, Inc. “Brian Tracy shows you how unlimited wealth starts in the mind, and how anyone can focus their time and energy to earn millions. It2s the readable, riveting primer for countless new American fortunes.” -Peter Montoya CEO, Peter Montoya