Digital logic keeps getting faster, and designers are faced with a host of ever-changing challenges when addressing noise and interference in data processing, high-speed communication, mass data storage, and in many other high-frequency applicationIt features:
New material on transmission lines, radiation, and printed circuit design
Effective techniques for handling noise problems in analogue and digital circuits
Step-by-step instructions for building noise-free instrumentation systems
Strategies for reducing or eliminating noise in large systems
The use of multi shielded transformers in clean-power installations
How noise is coupled in and out of analogue and digital circuits
Simplified, practical explanations of the physics of fields
Dozens of illustrations and a clear, readable text
Grounding and Shielding: Circuits and Interference, Fifth Edition is a state-of-the-art problem-solving guide for electronic design engineers and technicians. It is also an extremely useful book for short courses on electronic interference.